I am not a blogger by nature – as I'm
sure anyone who has been reading this blog has guessed.. When I
first heard of them I thought they were an odd idea and couldn't see
their appeal – not for the readers, anyway. I am beginning
to come around – in terms of some kind of understanding at least.
And I have read blogs that I have appreciated (as well as ones that I
have not.) I am a reader, but I'm not much of a blog reader...There
are some I've begun to read if they catch my eye when I have a
moment, but I'm not very good at following... (blogs). But then, I'm
trying to change (some) of my ways.
Every time I think I have something to
write, I write it and stash it in a file. I think I've mentioned
that before. So what you are reading may well not be what is
happening just now...I figured if I had a small stockpile that just
needed a tweak before I put them out I might manage to keep ahead of
the curve. That is part of why you will find this has headings and
So anyone does actually read this and
they like, for example, reading about me making an absolute
catastrophe of a project I tried and looking back on it – hopefully
with some insight as to where it went off the rails – they know
they want to read bits of the Learning Curves grouping, for example.
It will make it easier to skip over installments, in theory at least.
It also makes it easier – at the
moment – for me to write them. There will be lots of sections that
will fit just as well under one grouping as another, they are all
connected by that central pivot, my experiences and thoughts and
processes. The truth is, I have become a very sporadic writer. I used to
spend huge amounts of my time writing. I couldn't hold things in
without getting really full, so I wrote about them. I know lots of
people who did the same – when they were younger. I never thought
I'd lose that, but I stopped finding the time. I stopped waking up
in the middle of the night needing to write.
Or, I suppose, mostly. Because it is
just before 3 and I got out of bed because I certainly wasn't going
to sleep, so here I am. Certainly when it comes to this blog I am a
sporadic writer. Sometimes things will come in waves and then I
won't write again for months, or years. (I am also a bit of a
sporadic artist/maker when it comes to that...) So writing in themes
and entries is an easier way for me to stockpile them. Because that
is what I'm doing.

Life is all about change and most of us
have as much or more of it than we can handle at any given moment. In the past few years I've been in a whirlwind of change – but as we so often do, I'm not sure I've been changing with it. Certainly not at the rate of the changes surrounding me. I've been lagging sorely behind in my ability to keep up and cope.
Since I appear to be changing
everything else in my life, why not see if I can initiate some
crucial positive changes in how I work, how I write....The thing
about change en masse is that it kind of wipes the slate clean.
Enough change basically makes you start again – almost from scratch
but with a more advanced toolkit to start with and a better idea of
how to develop a plan and move forward, provided you are someone able
to learn from mistakes, that is.
And that is what some installments are
going to be about – not just my changes and challenges, but ones
that so many people face – and some of the tools I use to try to
make things work. Like this blog is becoming a learning tool...and
maybe it can be a teaching tool too, at some point.
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