Saturday, June 30, 2012

Website Updates Underway

Slowly but surely, updates to the website are finally underway.  The photos section has some more recent photos of metalworking added, as well as (finally) some older metalworking photos, and there is a little more information to be found on the site. 

The changes will all be slow and gradual, but after years of procrastination and with the help of my fantastic guru - he knows who he is, but shall remain nameless unless I have his permission to put up his name - I will make the site more workable and informative, rather than just being a page of photos.

For me, the excitement is of seeing the new photos up - again the photos are all courtesy of that same genius guru who has done all of my photography for the website for me.

Things are really gaining momentum at Elfworks this year, and it looks like I'll have to move a lot faster to keep up with the pace.

Enjoy your Canada Day Weekend/ Pride Weekend and the wonderful (if a little hot) weather!

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