So here we are in July. My shop reno
is pretty close to finished – exhaust system and doors are nearly
all that is left. And we are a semblance of lockdown in most places
– (we are remaining locked down up here for the forseeable future).
So I have all this time...why haven't I been posting? Why don't I
have a ton of new work?
Well, while I haven't done anything
much that you can actually see
I have been working – on another aspect of the business more than
in or on the shop. I am rarely ever home for any length of time at
the period between March and July. So I took the time to do some
serious work in the yard. Something I am considering an investment
in the future. I have a vague plan of what I want this space to
become that will become a part of some of the classes I want to teach
from here. My own version of a food forest – food & medicinals
and other plants that I use for various projects or just because they
are great. Normally by the time I'm home the heat is getting way out
of hand and the labour it takes to put a plant in here … well, not
much gets done in the hot months. (Digging here is challenging –
between the twitch grass and the rocks...let's just say we don't
usually dig with a shovel, we dig with a big steel stick.) So I've
been focused on trying to get a big swath of work done on that front.
A few years ago I had started to do the prep work for a second blog that covered everything that didn't quite feel justified or appropriate for the Elfworks Studios blog. With all the time I've been spending digging and playing in the dirt, the other thing that should appear this summer sometime is the first installment of Adventures with Time In a Space – for those of you who choose to follow my journeys.
I have
really been enjoying my time in the garden and I'm finding it hard to
pull myself away – especially considering everything that is still
on the list. I know the upcoming weather will make it easier on me –
forcing me into the cooler spaces like my shop and studio. So, with
a little luck and a lot of discipline I hope to have some new things
to report in the upcoming weeks.