Friday, October 16, 2009

November Show & Quadstate

Well, it is time again for me to get it together and plan another show at the Studio. I'm looking at a date in mid-November and for any who are interested in participating or in coming to see what goes up on the walls you can either check here, or contact me at

Since the last post I've had a booth at the Scotiabank AIDS walk marketplace, made a number of new pieces, (masks, lanterns and jewellery), and been down to Troy, Ohio for that wonderful gathering of Smiths and Goods - Quadstate. This year was a great year for tools! There were more anvils and handcrank blowers and post vices than I ever thought I'd see gathered in one place. I managed to get a couple of great deals which will be a welcome addition to the shop, many thanks to my talented friend David Robertson.

For those of you who are interested in Smithing, David runs a fantastic subscription service - he sends out monthly newsletters full of information, tips and tricks. Check out his website at for more details. As a subscriber there are also some discounts to be had on some fantastic things...even if you are not a smith, his site is worth a look - he has some incredible pieces that he has created to awe and inspire.

The gallery at this year's Quadstate was both inspiring and a little intimidating. The quality of the work was extremely high and some of the work was really thought provoking. Not only the high standard of craftsmanship, but the way in which things were put together and the ways in which metal were used shows a real renaissance in this art form. It is really amazing what can be done by hammer and by hand with a medium that seems like it should be so much more unforgiving.

Not only were there wonderful pieces by artists I had not seen before, but there were some great pieces by old friend which showed a fresh new direction and perspective. One such artist that comes to mind is Dan Nickels of Blackrock Forge in Michigan. It was great to see Dan again, but it was really inspiring to see how his work is changing and to see how much he has grown, yet again.

As always it was great fun to see so many friends, old & new. It always makes me laugh that almost the only time I manage to see most of my Ontario blacksmithing friends we are all at some gathering in the U.S. Of course, this is my own fault. Ontario is a big province, and as comprehensive as the TTC may be, it certainly isn't going to take me to the nooks and crannies of the province.

If time permits over the next few weeks I hope to get into a bit more detail on some of the various things I've done and seen over the past months, as well as some of the things which are coming up. You can always look for updates on our Facebook page if you find yourself trolling that social network, and remember if you have any questions you can reach us via email at any time.