Thursday, March 19, 2020

Scattered vs. Scope

For the most part, I've been trying to keep the main focus of this blog on the metalwork and jewellery that Elfworks does. I've been thinking about that lately. With the limited amount of time I get to spend making such things, it leaves me, sometimes, with even less to write about.
While I do want that to be the main focus of the blog, and really, the main focus of what Elfworks is known for...there are so many other aspects to Elfworks. And in truth, Elfworks is me...and there is so much more to what I do under the banner – so should I really keep it limited? Where do you draw the line between scope and scattered?
I've had lots of advice over the years about keeping focused – in the blog, in my writing, in my work...and it is all good advice. But I will never be about just one thing. Elfworks will never be about just one thing. True, it's main function is metalwork and jewellery. But it is also wands and ink. It is wig building, and facial hair building and rentals. It is theatrical and photographic makeup. It is historical research and inspiration. It has been bookkeeping, and organization, and general Girl Friday services. It is becoming workshop courses (yes, they are coming...slowly.) It is becoming permaculture and all kinds of things plant. It will be incorporating ceramics into the folds and layers of it. It has overtones and undercurrents of my spiritual pathways and my fascinations with myth, literature and nature. It may well come to encompass the Thanatology services I'm working my way towards.
Yes, that is scattered...and yet, there are threads that tie them all together. The main thread being me. current questioning to myself – do I keep it focused solely on what Elfworks produces as metalwork and jewellery and the processes that take me there? Or do I allow it the scope of much more of what I do? If so, how much scope do I allow so that it doesn't become scattered? Just where is that metaphorical line, and will I know if I've crossed it?